Company Infringements

Workplace fraud can take many forms, including embezzlement, theft of
equipment or company resources, computer crime, data theft, and forgery.

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Providing A Documented Process of An Individuals Movements, And Actions Through Intelligence.

Our company prides itself on our ability to find solutions to any problem encountered no matter how large or how small. We are also able to call upon and employ the services of a variety of experts in their respective fields to find a successful conclusion to your problem ensuring a winning combination.


  • Detection

  • Investigative Research

  • Empathic Understanding


All companies, from small enterprises with a handful of employees to large multinational corporations, are vulnerable to fraud in the workplace.

Technological advances give those who might be tempted to commit fraud a diverse set of tools at their disposal.

It is only by discussing your individual concerns that we can assess where we may be able to aid you in your fight against fraudsters. We will listen to your problem and offer the best-case advice to help you discover the truth.

Workplace fraud and theft can take many forms, including embezzlement, theft of equipment or company resources, computer crime, data theft, and forgery.

There are a few tell-tale signs you can watch for:

  • Employees continually work after hours and weekends
  • Staff taking work home, logging in remotely at odd times
  • People not taking their holidays, as they don’t want to leave their work open to the scrutiny of others
  • Dubious documents or important files going missing or repeatedly misfiled
  • Staff refusing promotion, is often an indicator of something going on under the radar

We have an excellent track record of investigating and solving cases of company fraud. We are confident in our abilities to investigate fraud and uncover proof that an employee is damaging internal resources through their actions. If you suspect a member of staff of committing company fraud, contact us today for an assessment of your case. Call and speak to one of our expert team.

Asset tracing Asset tracking technology for the assets you own, be they lost, stolen or in transit, can be an invaluable source of evidence for a variety of private and corporate investigations, including:

  • Illegal use of company assets for private use by an employee
  • Tracking high-value goods such as boats or caravans
  • Tracking containers of goods you are transporting
  • Monitoring delivery of small, expensive electrical goods

Tracing assets that have gone missing is a skilled task. Insight’s team of experienced investigators have many years of experience in this field. It’s not just being able to manage desk investigations, being out in the field using tried and tested investigative methods combined with years of experience are essential to uncover the facts, in a legal manner. Call and speak to one of our expert team.

Tracing debtors Insight has its own specialist in-house tracing and research division utilising trained and experienced personnel, to assist you in tracing debtors, using a variety of methods to trace debtors who are avoiding responsibilities; the people on whom you are trying to serve papers or missing witnesses with vital evidence for court cases. Our highly successful tracing service works throughout the UK and overseas. Using a combination of your information, modern methods and our understanding of human nature, combined with essential fieldwork, each case is fully documented, and we report any difficulties experienced, enabling decisions to be made on further enquiries. We carry out all work undertaken with 100% discretion and within UK law. For bulk tracing work we can offer preferential rates, often with no trace no fee, where all of the relevant information is supplied.

Call and speak to one of our expert team.

Providing A Documented Process of An Individuals Movements, And Actions Through Intelligence.

Our company prides itself on our ability to find solutions to any problem encountered no matter how large or how small. We are also able to call upon and employ the services of a variety of experts in their respective fields to find a successful conclusion to your problem ensuring a winning combination.


  • Detection

  • Investigative Research

  • Empathic Understanding


All companies, from small enterprises with a handful of employees to large multinational corporations, are vulnerable to fraud in the workplace.

Technological advances give those who might be tempted to commit fraud a diverse set of tools at their disposal.

It is only by discussing your individual concerns that we can assess where we may be able to aid you in your fight against fraudsters. We will listen to your problem and offer the best-case advice to help you discover the truth.

Workplace fraud can take many forms, including embezzlement, theft of equipment or company resources, computer crime, data theft, and forgery.

There are a few tell-tale signs you can watch for:

  • Employees continually work after hours and weekends
  • Staff taking work home, logging in remotely at odd times
  • People not taking their holidays, as they don’t want to leave their work open to the scrutiny of others
  • Dubious documents or important files going missing or repeatedly misfiled
  • Staff refusing promotion, is often an indicator of something going on under the radar

We have an excellent track record of investigating and solving cases of company fraud. We have many clients who use us repeatedly, confident in our abilities to investigate fraud and uncover proof that an employee is damaging internal resources through their actions. If you suspect a member of staff of committing company fraud, contact us today for an assessment of your case. Call and speak to one of our expert team.

Asset tracing Asset tracking technology for the assets you own, be they lost, stolen or in transit, can be an invaluable source of evidence for a variety of private and corporate investigations, including:

  • Illegal use of company assets for private use by an employee
  • Tracking high-value goods such as boats or caravans
  • Tracking containers of goods you are transporting
  • Monitoring delivery of small, expensive electrical goods

Tracing assets that have gone missing is a skilled task. Insight’s team of experienced investigators have many years of experience in this field. It’s not just being able to manage desk investigations, being out in the field using tried and tested investigative methods combined with years of experience are essential to uncover the facts, in a legal manner. Call and speak to one of our expert team.

Tracing debtors Insight has its own specialist in-house tracing and research division utilising trained and experienced personnel, to assist you in tracing debtors, using a variety of methods to trace debtors who are avoiding responsibilities; the people on whom you are trying to serve papers or missing witnesses with vital evidence for court cases. Our highly successful tracing service works throughout the UK and overseas. Using a combination of your information, modern methods and our understanding of human nature, combined with essential fieldwork, each case is fully documented, and we report any difficulties experienced, enabling decisions to be made on further enquiries. We carry out all work undertaken with 100% discretion and within UK law. For bulk tracing work we can offer preferential rates, often with no trace no fee, where all of the relevant information is supplied.

Call and speak to one of our expert team.